Most commonly used materials for semiconductor lasers are the III-V compounds. These are such as GaAs, AlGaAs, InGaAs and InGaAsP depending upon the desired lasing wavelength emission.
Recently, GaN/AlGaN and InGaN/AlGaN are being used to achieve laser diode emission in the green blue and ultraviolet regions.
InGaN (indium-gallium-nitride) is used for direct green laser diode emission.
Blue Diode Lasers (blue semiconductor laser diodes) are typically fabricated out of aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) or aluminum indium gallium nitride (AlInGaN).
Violet 405nm laser diodes and 375 nm UV laser diodes are based on either gallium nitride or indium gallium nitride.
Author: admin
What are the Typical Laser Diode Parameters ?
Threshold Current : The lowest current at which lasing action takes place.
Operating Current : Ideal laser diode operating current
Operating Voltage : The voltage across the laser diode at the specified operating current.
Wavelength : The output wavelength can vary from sample-to-sample and due to temperature.
Radiation Angle : The beam divergence parallel (horizontal) and perpendicular (vertical) relative to the gain region of the laser diode.
Positional and Angular Accuracy : The tolerance in mounting of the laser diode chip.
Differential Efficiency : Once the current threshold has been exceeded, the incremental increase in output power with current is fairly linear, measured in mW/mA. However, it can vary widely from sample-to-sample and with changes in temperature.
Astigmatism : The difference in virtual point source of the parallel and perpendicular beams.
Laser Diode Monitor Current : Sensitivity of the monitor photodiode with respect to laser diode output power.
Laser Enterprise Laser Diode Application Support
Laser Enterprise Laser Diode Application Support
Ushio Laser Diode Handling Instructions
The following document explains how to use Ushio laser diodes.
Please follow the below link to download Ushio Laser Diode Handling Instructions.
Download pdf
50 W Osram Blue Laser Diode Applications Support
Osram Laser Diode Applications Support file explains how to use Osram laser diodes, precautions, handling and heat transfer.
Measurement of directed blood flow by laser speckle
ER Hirst, OB Thompson… – SPIE BiOS, 2011 –
… 4.1 Methodology A fundus camera (fx-50R, Kowa Optimed Inc.) was equipped with
a diode laser (640nm, 50mW, World Star Tech, Toronto, Canada) and optics designed
to produce a ring of diffuse laser illumination. The diffuse …
Laser triangulation for shape acquisition in a 3D scanner plus scan
D Acosta, O García, J Aponte – Electronics, Robotics and …, 2006 –
… 3.1. Data Acquisition System (DAS) The laser triangulation method was implemented using
a line laser generator from World Star Tech reference ULL5-3.5G-635 and the webcam Logitech
Quick Pro 3000 (CCD Based camera). 3.2. Mechanical System …
Integrated pneumatic micro-pumps for high-throughput droplet-based microfluidics
JW Choi, S Lee, DH Lee, J Kim, SI Chang – RSC Advances, 2014 –
… S1†). Detection system. The detection system for fluorescence polarisation (FP) measurements
consists of a 488 nm, 10 mW diode laser (World Star Tech, Canada), an Olympus IX71 inverted
fluorescence microscope (Tokyo, Japan), and dual filter system. …!divAbstract
Far‐Field Nanoscopy with Reversible Chemical Reactions
M Schwering, A Kiel, A Kurz… – Angewandte Chemie …, 2011 – Wiley Online Library
… TIRFM data was acquired on a custom-built TIRFM setup consisting of a Zeiss Axioinvert 200
equipped with a laser emitting at 532 nm (World Star Tech TECGL-30: 532 nm; 30 mW, cw, Toronto,
Canada), which was coupled into to the microscope through the back port. …
Multi-wavelength optical determination of black and brown carbon in atmospheric aerosols
D Massabò, L Caponi, V Bernardoni, MC Bove… – Atmospheric …, 2015 – Elsevier
… In the new configuration, two laser diodes with λ = 375 nm and 532 nm (World Star Tech) have
been added. A motorized stage has been added to interchange the laser sources thus improving
the system stability and reproducibility and facilitating the analysis of many samples. …